Throughout my teenage years I have been the epitome of a rebel. My behavior and actions were under peer pressure’s spell. I have annoyed you and fought with you almost endlessly. But you kept up with all the drama very patiently. As the years have gone by I have realized and mellowed down. From now on I will never give you a reason to frown. I love you.
If my life had to be fit in a single selfie, it would be incomplete without my mommy. I love you.
 I am not afraid of dying because I have already been to heaven – the warm place where I rest my head on my mother’s shoulder. I love you ma..
 In my books, the job of a mother is more important than the job of any CEO in this world. CEOs run companies, mothers change lives. I love you mom.
 I will never be able to describe in words what my mom means to me. If anyone wants to know, they will have to go inside my heart to see. My mom’s love is warm, cute, caring and sweet – it is all that my heart needs to beat. I love you.
 I may call you mom but my heart calls you bestie. Your love makes every day of my life happy and carefree. I love you.
 Mom, I know that behind those soft and comforting hugs lies a woman whose heart strong and soul is selfless. I love you.
 Dear mom, our House is a Home, only because of You. I love you.
 Mom… the bond between both of us, is just marvelous. As a mother you are fantastic, the warmth of your love is just magic. I love you.
 I may never be able to be exactly like you, but just the thought of filling the shoes of a woman like you makes me a better person. I love you mom
 With you, I have fought and argued. In return, you kept a calm mood. At you, I have ranted and screamed. At me, you made sure your love beamed. For you, I could have definitely done more. For me, your heart has always had an open door. I love you mom.
My relationship with my mother has no give and take, and there is nothing about our bond that is fake. I love you mom.
All moms take responsibility for their children’s achievements but few mothers like you take responsibility for their children’s failures too. Thanks for being there for me mom.
 Mom – your love is the chicken soup for my soul. I love you..
A mother’s love may be soft, tender and beautiful. But we all know that it needs a woman with a hard, rugged and indestructible spine to give her children everything that they deserve. I love you mom.
 My view of life has always had a filter of the mellowest and the warmest hues. All because I was raised by a mother as wonderful as you. I love you.
 Dear mom, you have always pushed me to be my best, and your support has always put all my worries to rest. I love you.
 I love you mom – not just because you are my mother, but because there is no one else in the world who understands better.
No matter how old we get – even when I am a parent myself and you become a grandma, I will adorably continue calling you MOMMY. I love you.
 A mother’s love gives to a child, what schools and colleges don’t. Love you mom.
Dear mom, I don’t want to be one of those children who realize the worth of their mother’s love only when their moms have passed away. I have already realized the priceless value of your love from the very beginning and I feel like showing some back to you – I love you ma..
 MOM is just another name for the super glue that holds a family together. I love you mom.Add your content here.
 I fight with you every now and then, I keep arguing again and again. But deep down inside I hope that your heart knows, that my love for you will forever grow. I love you ma..
It takes a girl to fall in love, woman to get married, mom to give birth but a mother to lovingly raise a child. I love you, dear mother.